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The biggest benefit to belonging to an incorporated car club for the owner of a classic or special interest vehicle is access to the Queensland Transport SIVS concessional registration or, as we all know it, Club Rego. This concession is based on the vehicle having a very strict and limited road use which is reflected in the reduced fees and CTP insurance premium. 


The specific vehicles covered under this program that pertain directly to our Club are: 

  • historic vehicles:

    • vehicles > 30-years old


To apply for SIVS registration on your classic or historic vehicle, you must complete a Queensland Transport registration concession application form (F3937) and take it to a QT customer service centre along with the following Club-provided documents: 


  1. evidence of current membership of an incorporated car club which must: 

    • be on Club letterhead

    • include details of your vehicle (make, model, year and chassis number or VIN)

    • be signed by a Club official

  2. a dating certificate (if applicable) - a dating certificate is only required if the Department of Transport and Main Roads cannot verify the date of manufacture for your vehicle (from an existing or previous vehicle record, import papers, or from the identification or manufacturer’s plate). If a dating certificate is required, a dating officer (or club official) from an incorporated vehicle club or association will need to certify the vehicle’s authenticity and year of manufacture. The dating certificate must be on Club letterhead or other official Club documentation and include details of the vehicle (make, model, year and chassis number or VIN). 


















A special interest vehicle must not be used for:

  • General purposes – for example, to commute to and from the registered operator's place of employment, running down to the shops, and other forms of everyday vehicle use.

  • Hire or reward – a fee cannot be charged for use of the vehicle, and the owner cannot receive any consideration or reward for supplying the vehicle.

  • Providing a booked hire service – to use your vehicle to provide a booked hire service you need to meet the requirements of a booked hire service licences.


You and anyone driving your special interest vehicle must only use the vehicle for:

  • participating in rallies or events, including impromptu events organised by an incorporated vehicle club or events sanctioned by the Australian Street Rod Federation.

    • a rally is a social event where a parade of special interest vehicles travel together for competition or to meet at an agreed location. Rallies and events must be listed in the incorporated club newsletter or on the incorporated club's website or social media page (or in another manner approved by the club or Australian Street Rod Federation, such as the club calendar of events) prior to the event.

    • an impromptu event is an event that has been initiated by a club member, involves one or more vehicles, and must comply with the following elements:

      • involves an invitation to wider club members to attend the event; and

      • is either

        • endorsed in advance of the event by the relevant club or Australian Street Rod Federation committee; or,

        • where it exists, complies with published club guidelines as to what is a valid event; and

      • is listed either in the newsletter, on the website, or social media page (or in another manner approved by the club or Australian Street Rod Federation, such as the club calendar of events) prior to the event.


Note: Incorporated vehicle clubs should maintain a register of endorsed impromptu events. This register should contain information on the impromptu event.


  • participating in processions for which a Special Events Permit has been issued under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management –Accreditation and Other Provisions) Regulation 2015.

  • exhibiting the vehicle in displays, fetes or similar functions conducted for religious, charitable or educational purposes.

  • ceremonial purposes (such as weddings, formals, funerals) involving immediate and de facto family members, or as part of a sanctioned incorporated club event, provided this is not done for fee or reward. Immediate and de facto family means parents, grandparents, sons, daughters, grandchildren, adopted children and adopted grandchildren, but not extended family members such as aunts, uncles, nephews and nieces.

  • preparing for, proceeding to, and returning from any of the above activities, including events in other states and territories in which the club is directly involved with.

  • direct travel to and from an approved inspection station to get a safety certificate or certificate of inspection before offering the vehicle for sale.

  • travel in order to have the vehicle repaired is allowed. There is no distance restriction, however, such travel must be reasonable and justifiable by the vehicle operator.

  • road testing within a 15km radius from the place where the vehicle is garaged or is being repaired. The purpose of the travel must be to road test the vehicle following repair or restoration, or for general vehicle maintenance and not for any other purpose. This does not include use as an everyday means of transport. A passenger may travel in your vehicle to assist with road testing—only if your vehicle can legally carry passengers.



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